Uk Cosmetic Surgery demand doubles
Released on: December 19, 2007, 5:44 am
Press Release Author: Tamsin Vines
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: Alarmingly brits will spend an estimated 1bn on Cosmetic Surgery in the UK in 2008, despite it being unregulated in this country
Press Release Body: Cosmetic surgery has nearly doubled in popularity in the UK latest figures show. It is predicted that in 2008, Britons will spend more than 1bn on Cosmetic Surgery according to Market analyst Mintel. The number of non-surgical procedures in particular is an area that is growing in the UK. Non-invasive procedures such as Botox and Collagen are becoming increasingly popular. This is a trend that will continue to grow with the perception in the UK that beauty is based on airbrushed, digitally enhanced images of celebrities. Many celebrities openly admit to having surgery done. This has over the past few years, removed the stigma of Cosmetic surgery.
Alarmingly, non invasive surgery in the UK does not have to be performed by medically qualified personnel. This industry is self regulated, which results in medically unqualified beauticians offering lunchtime Botox for Brits desiring a youthful appearance.
This isn\'t the case however abroad. Cosmetic Surgery in Prague and other European countries is strictly controlled. Prague for example is becoming increasingly popular for Britons choosing Cosmetic Surgery abroad. Not only does this option provide more affordable surgery, but also a guarantee that your procedure will be performed by qualified medical personnel. Mr Rajiv Grover, a consultant plastic surgeon and secretary of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons has cautioned people considering cosmetic surgery to consider the potential dangers and side-effects, and select their surgeon with care.
Many people worry about having their surgery abroad, but the reality is they should worry more about having surgery performed in the UK. Until the UK introduces stricter controls and regulation of cosmetic surgery, looking into the option of cosmetic surgery abroad will guarantee you a qualified surgeon performing your surgery.
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